Fiercely Independent Publishers of books exploring Magick, the Occult, Mythology & the Gods

Anthology Contributors
Over the years Avalonia has produced a number of anthologies exploring niche esoteric and Pagan subjects. These are projects driven by the desire to explore topics that are often neglected, and to bring together voices of both scholars and practitioners, not just those of professional writers.
Anthologies are never driven by the desire for profit, always by the desire to share and create connections.
Examples of anthologies published by Avalonia include: Anahita (ed. Payam Nabarz); From a Drop of Water (ed. Kim Huggens); The Faerie Queens (ed. d'Este & Rankine); Horns of Power (ed. d'Este). Also see: Esoteric Anthologies
The following list is a complete A-Z of all the contributors from around the world who have contributed to Avalonia anthologies, naming the anthologies they contributed to.
Aaron Leitch is a scholar and author, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven
Adele Nozedar is an author, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven
Aili Mirage is a graphic artist and illustrator, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Akashanath is a ceremonial magician, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Alison is a healer and therapist who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads
Amanda is a part time staff trainer and full time Mum, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads
Amber Rose is a conjure woman and writer, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Amelia Ounsted is a 3rd degree Witch and High Priestess, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Amir Mansouri is a post-graduate student at the Islamic Azad University, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Ana C. Jones is a teacher, artist and author, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Andrea Salgado Reyes is a witch, translator and interpreter, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, From A Drop Of Water, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Babak Aryanpour is an Iranologist based at the University of Shiraz, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Behzad Mahmoudi is a post-graduate student at the Islamic Azad University, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Beth Raven is a priestess and folklorist, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Bolina Oceanus is a priestess of Apollo, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls
Brian Andrews is an Alexandrian Wiccan and artist, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, Horns of Power, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Caroline Tully is a scholar and author who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, Memento Mori
Catamara Rosarium is an alchemist, herbalist and ritual artist, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Cathryn Orchard (Crane) is a priestess and art psychotherapist, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, From A Drop Of Water
Ceri Norman is a folklorist, historian and freelance writer, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Chad Barber is a folk magician, card reader and espiritista, who contributed to Memento Mori
Charlotte Rodgers is a N.D.M.P (non-denominational magickal practitioner) artist and writer, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven
Chrissy Derbyshire is an author and teacher, who contributed to: From A Drop Of Water, Vs.
Cliff Seruntine is a shaman, writer, idler and psychotherapist, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Connia Silver is a writer and educator, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls
Dafydd ap Bran is a Welsh bard and musician, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Dan Harms is an author and librarian, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven, The Faerie Queens
Dave Moore is a Thelemite, who contributed to Memento Mori
David Rankine is an author, researcher and Qabalist who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven, Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, Horns of Power, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, The Faerie Queens
Diana Allam is an Alexandrian High Priestess, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven
Diane M. Champigny is an Alexandrian High Priestess, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, From A Drop Of Water, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, Vs.
D.M. Murdock is an author and independent scholar of comparative religion and mythology, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Dorn Simon-Sinnott is a pagan witch and writer, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Dorothy Abrams is a pagan witch and writer, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Ekaterina Ilieva is a priestess and co-founder of the Threskeia, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Ellie Horne is an esoteric student and magic practitioner, who contributed to: Vs.
Emily Carding is a visionary artist, author and creator of the Transparent Tarot & Oracle, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven, From A Drop Of Water, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, Vs., Memento Mori, The Faerie Queens
Farhang Khademi Nadooshan is an Associate Professor in Archaeology at Tarbiat Modares University, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Felicity Fyr le Fay is a performance artist and writer, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Frances Billinghurst is a witch and writer, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Frater Nechesh is a scholar and Babalon devotee, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Galatea is an Alexandrian Wiccan High Priestess with a passion for ancient Egypt, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls
Gareth Gerrard is a molecular biologist and long-time esoteric student, who contributed to: Horns of Power, Vs.
Georgi Mishev is a priest and co-founder of the Threskeia, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Gholamreza Karamian is an Associate Professor in Archaeology at the Islamic Azad University, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Gulia Laini is a magician and palmist, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Guy Gaunt is a spiritualist sorcerer and civil servant, who contributed to: Vs.
Halo Quinn is an academic and author, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Hannah is a witch who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads
Hansa is a witch and fashion designer, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Hassan Nia is an academic member of the Islamic Azad University, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Helen Hapi is a Welsh priestess of Hekate, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads
Helena Lundvik is a healer, teacher and priestess, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Henrik Holmdahl is a jack of all trades, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Hortus St Michael is a gardener, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Humberto Maggi is a magician and writer, who contributed to Memento Mori
Iris is a Wiccan priestess, translator and musician, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads
Dr Israel Campos Méndez is Assistant Professor in ancient History at the University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Ivy Kerrigan is a witch and Vodou initiate, who contributed to Memento Mori
Jack Wolf is a student and author, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Jacqui Woodward-Smith is a priestess of Avalon who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls
Jade Sol Luna is an author and astrologer, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Jake Stratton-Kent is an author and magician, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven
Janet Nancy James is a Christian mystic and transpersonal therapist, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Jean Marie Feddercke is an author, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Jen Ricci is a witch and writer, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Jenny Sumaya is a photographer, practising Wiccan and Welsh Witch, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads
Joanna Rowan Mullane is a herbalist, artist and author, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
John Canard is an English root magician and author, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, Horns of Power, From A Drop Of Water, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Jon Hanna is a witch and author, who contributed to: Vs.
Jonathan Carfax is a magician and author, who contributed to: Vs.
Julia Helen Jeffrey is an artist and illustrator, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Julia Phillips is an author, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven
Julian Vayne is an author and chaos magician, who contributed to Memento Mori
Dr Kamyar Abdi is an archaologist, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Karen Pierce is a pagan librarian, who contributed to: Vs., Memento Mori
Katherine Sutherland is an occult scholar, author and practitioner, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata, Both Sides of Heaven, From A Drop Of Water, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, Vs.
Katie Gerrard is an author, researcher and workshop facilitator, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, Vs.
Katie Stewart is a songwriter, music workshop facilitator and student of the healing arts, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Kaveh Farrokh PhD is a History Lecturer & Reader Head of Department of Traditions & Cultural History at the University of British Columbia, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Kay Gillard is an energy & sound healer, Reiki Master and Witch, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Kim Huggens is an author and tarot reader, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, Horns of Power, Both Sides of Heaven, From A Drop Of Water, Memento Mori, Vs.
Kyle Fite is a social worker and artist, who contributed to Memento Mori
Lezley Cunningham-Wood (Forster) is a priestess, healer and medium, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Madre Van Der Merwe is a Hekate priestess, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Maestro Nestor is a grimoire magician, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven, From A Drop Of Water
Magin Rose is an artist and shamanic practitioner, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, Horns of Power, From A Drop Of Water, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, Vs.
Marielle Holman is a dance teacher, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls
Mark Alan Smith is a Hekate devotee and writer, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Maryam Zour is an archaeologist at the University of Sistan and Baluchistran, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Dr Masato Tōjō is an author, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Dr Matteo Compareti is an art historian and author specialising in Iran and central Asia, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Mehdi Sabzali is a postgraduate student in Archaeology at Tarbiat Modares University, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Melissa Harrington is a freelance author and Wiccan High Priestess, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven, From A Drop Of Water, Vs.
Michael Ellis is a mathematician and Hekate devotee, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Michael Howard is a writer on esoteric subjects, and the editor of The Cauldron witchcraft magazine, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven, Memento Mori, Vs.
Mogg Morgan is an author, publisher, occultist, lecturer and researcher, who contributed to Memento Mori
Morgana is a Gardnerian Wiccan High Priestess and co-ordinator of Pagan Federation International, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Morteza Ataie is an archaeologist based at the University of Sistan and Baluchestan, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Naomi Ozaniec is a priestess and author, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls
Naza Cogo is a healer and priestess, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Nic Phillips is an artist and author, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Nikki Cullen is a mother and witch, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Nina Falaise is a visionary artist, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, Horns of Power, From A Drop Of Water
Dr. Nina Lazarus is an Alexandrian High Priestess and ceremonialist, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads
Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule is an author, musician and artist, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Pamela Norrie is a witch, priestess and writer, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Paul Harry Barron is a Wiccan High Priest, healer and translator, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, Horns of Power, From A Drop Of Water, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Payam Nabarz is an author, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata, Both Sides of Heaven, From A Drop Of Water, Vs.
Peg Aloi is a media studies student and writer, who contributed to Memento Mori
Peter J Jaynes is a Wiccan High Priest, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Petra Schollem is a mother and psychic, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Phil Lightwood-Jones is an Egyptology student, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Pyxie is a practising witch and Hekate devotee, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads
Rachel Donaldson is a yoga teacher and priestess, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, From A Drop Of Water, Vs.
Rahele Koulabadi is an archaeologist based at Sistan and Baluchestan Univeristy, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Raven Digitalis is an author and DJ, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Reza MehrAfarin is an Associate Professor at the University of Sistan and Baluchestan, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Rhys Chisnall is a witch and teacher, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Richard A Derks is a druid and clinical researcher, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Rodney Orpheus is a member of the OTO, and a writer, musician, lecturer, and broadcaster, who contributed to: From A Drop Of Water
Rose Spinne is an artist and illustrator living in Roberts Creek, British Columbia, Canada, who contributed to The Faerie Queens.
Rufus Harrington is a Wiccan High Priest and consultant cognitive behavioural psychologist, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven
Sam Kerr is Emeritus Surgeon at the University of New South Wales and its college Hospitals, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Saman Farzin is a historian at the University of Shiraz, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Seyed Mehdi Mousavi Kouhpar is an Assistant Professor in Archaeology at Tarbiat Modares University, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Seyed Sadrudin Mosavi Jashni is an Assistant Professor in the Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Dr Seyyed Rasool Mousavi Haji is an author and lecturer at Mazandaran Univeristy, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Shani Oates is a witch, author and photographer, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Shapour Suren-Pahlav is a researcher and conservationist of pre-Islamic Iranian civilization, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Shay Skepevski is a witch, artist and tarot reader, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Sheda Vasseghi is an author and Professor of History at the Northern Virginia Community College, who contributed to: Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess & Zoroastrian Yazata
Sophia Fisher is the proprietor of Baron’s Magic and the La Sirena Botanica, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, Memento Mori, Vs.
Sophie Nussle is an author who contributed to: Vs.
Sorita D’Este is the author of numerous books, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads, Both Sides of Heaven, From A Drop of Water, Horns of Power, Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, The Faerie Queens
Soror Basilisk is a magician and tarot reader, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Stephen Blake is a Wiccan initiate and scientist, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Stephen Skinner is an occult scholar and author, who contributed to: Both Sides of Heaven
Sue Bowman is an alternative therapist, who contributed to: Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads
Tara Sanchez is a priestess and author, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Thea Faye is an initiate and author, who contributed to: Horns of Power, The Faerie Queens
Thomas Starr is a magician and businessman, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Tim Furlow is a graphic design student, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Tina Georgitsis is a hereditary folk witch and initiated Wiccan priestess, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, Memento Mori
Tinekke Bebout is a Dianic witch and priestess and writer, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Trystn M Branwynn is an author and traditional witch, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, Vs.
Tylluan Penry is a solitary pagan witch and author, who contributed to Memento Mori
Valerie Karlson is a historian, who contributed to: The Faerie Queens
Vikki Bramshaw is a priestess and writer on esoteric initiatory witchcraft, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, Vs.
Vivienne O’Regan is a priestess and author, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls
Vlasta Mijac is an artist, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Yuri Robbers is a teacher, scientist and author, who contributed to: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires
Yvonne Aburrow is an author, who contributed to: Priestesses Pythonesses Sibyls, From A Drop Of Water
Zachary Yardley is a history teacher, who contributed to: Horns of Power
Zagreus is a marketing team leader, who contributed to: Horns of Power