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By David Rankine and Paul Harry Barron

"I conjure thee, O BOOK, to be useful and profitable unto all those who shall read thee for success in their affairs." ~ Conjuration for the Book, Grimoire of Pope Honorius

The Grimoire of Pope Honorius is the first and most important of the French 'black magic' grimoires which proliferated across Europe in the 17th-19th centuries. Combining a grimoire of conjurations to the demons of the four directions and seven days of the week with a Book of Secrets full of simple charms, the Grimoire of Pope Honorius was second only to the Key of Solomon in the influence it exerted on magicians, charmers and cunning-folk in both rural and urban France. This grimoire also played a role in social events which rocked France, being used in the Affair of the Poisons which scandalised the French royal court in 1679, and by the young priest who assassinated the archbishop of Paris in 1857.

The Complete Grimoire of Pope Honorius contains material translated from all four of the different French editions of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius, including the complete text of one manuscript version never before seen in English (Wellcome 4666), and a new translation of the later corrupted German version of 1845. All of the material and its variations found in the five different editions of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius is contained in this work, presenting the entire corpus of this grimoire in print for the first time. In addition to tracing much of the material to sources such as the Heptameron, the works of Agrippa and earlier religious texts for the first time, the derivation of much of the material into later grimoires including the Grimorium Verum, the Grand Grimoire/Red Dragon and the Black Dragon is clearly demonstrated.

As well as charms for health, wealth, sex and protection, the Grimoire of Pope Honorius also contains a substantial number of agrarian charms by the Norman magician Guidon for protecting livestock, emphasising the popular rural use of such charms until at least the 19th century. The corpus of charms comes from diverse sources, including Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft (1584), and some, like the Letter of St Anthony, can be dated back to at least the 13th century.

Numerous illustrations and tables help illustrate the derivation of the material through the different editions and into other grimoires, demonstrating  its versatility and significance, and cutting past outdated misperceptions to a viewpoint which reflects more accurately the significance of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius in the development of magic since the seventeenth century.

2013, 250 pages. Hardback with dust jacket, paperback & Kindle editions available.
ISBN 978-1-905297-65-8
B&W 6.14 x 9.21 in or 234 x 156 mm (Royal 8vo) Perfect Bound on White w/Gloss Lam

ISBN 978-1-905297-66-5
B&W 6.14 x 9.21in or 234 x 156mm (Royal 8vo) Blue Digital Cloth™ Cover w/Jacket on White w/Gloss Lam

The Complete Grimoire of Pope Honorius by David Rankine and Paul Harry Barron

    Grimoire of Pope Honorius: Timeline to the late 19th Century
    Comparison of Content in Different Editions
    The Veritable Grimoire of Pope Honorius
    Editors' Notes
    Translator's Notes
    From The Rome 1760 Edition
    Grimoire of Pope Honorius
    Constitutions of Pope Honorius The Great
    The 1670 Rome Manuscript
    The 1800 Rome Manuscript
    The German Edition of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius
    Appendix to the Scheible Edition
    Material from The Grimoire of Pope Honorius duplicated in later Grimoires
    Editions of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius

  • David is an author, researcher and qabalist based in Glastonbury, UK.  He is the author or co-author of numerous books published by Avalonia, including The Complete Grimoire of Pope Honorius, The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet, A Collection of Magical Secrets, The Book of Treasure Spirits, The Book of Gold, Climbing the Tree of Life, The Cosmic Shekinah, Practical Qabalah Magick, The Isles of the Many Gods, and The Guises of the Morrigan.