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Vegvísir: A Practical Guide to Runic and Icelandic Magic  
by Christopher Alan. Smith


‘Vegvísir’ is the name of a famous Icelandic magical sign. It means ‘signpost’ or ‘guide’, and that is exactly what this book is. In this outstanding new volume, a follow-up to “Icelandic Magic: Aims, Tools and Techniques of the Icelandic Sorcerers” (Avalonia 2015), Christopher Alan Smith goes a step further and teaches how to apply these techniques in your life for success, wealth, contentment, or whatever it is that you fervently wish for. Beginning with a devastating attack on the frivolities and anxieties of the modern world, the author guides you, chapter by chapter, towards alignment with mythic reality and the development of latent skills that you always had, but never realised.


Based on nearly 50 years of magical practice, and with an empathy born of experience, he patiently encourages you to inherit the abilities that are yours by right, and challenges you to make use of these. There are many people in the world, all mortal. Will you be one of those who prove themselves somewhat more than mortal: the seed of the gods?


2022,  252 pages.

Paperback, Hardback (Cloth with dustjacket)  & Kindle editions are available.
ISBN: 978-1-910191-32-3 (paperback)   ISBN: 978-1-910191-33-0 (hardback)
B&W 6.14 x 9.21 in or 234 x 156 mm (Royal 8vo) Creme

Vegvísir: A Practical Guide to Runic and Icelandic Magic by C.A. Smith

  • Foreword. 8

    Introduction. 11

    PART 1:

    First Exercises. 22

    Taking it further 32

    An Introduction to Rune-lore. 43

    Taking up the Runes. 89

    The Magician’s Toolbox. 99

    Ritual Magic. 108


    PART 2:

    Appeals to Supernatural Entities. 122

    Incantation. 128

    Runes and Bindrunes. 131

    Galdrastafir and Galdramyndir 137

    The Methods of Delivery. 155

    Time and Space. 161

    Sendings. 172

    Divination. 187

    Washing Rituals and the Helm of Awe. 196

    A Sample Working. 201

    ‘Instant’ Magic. 208



    The Rune Gild. 213

    The Rune Rows. 215

    Of Málrúnir and the Rune-Kennings. 222

    A Brief Guide to the Gods, Wights and Worlds. 229

    A Select Compendium of Traditional Icelandic Spells. 236


    Bibliography. 246


    Index. 249