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Shedding Light on the Treasure and Legacy of Rennes-Le-Chateau and the Priory of Sion
By Jean-Luc Chaumeil

The mysteries of Rennes-le-Château and the Priory of Sion have gripped the imagination of modern culture, producing factual and fictional best-sellers which have spun webs of mystery and speculation. Works like The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, The Templar Revelation and The DaVinci Code are all united in drawing much of their information from the research of the only man who has uncovered the true story of the Priory of Sion from the inside, French author and journalist Jean-Luc Chaumeil.

Now, for the first time, his revelations and the research which fuelled the whole movement are made available in English, providing the most revealing and coherent exploration of the web of ciphers, genealogies, secret societies and esoteric mysteries which surround its tangled tapestry of bloodlines, lost kings and hidden treasures.

Jean-Luc Chaumeil's discoveries are all brought together in a wealth of documents, experiences, ciphers, interviews and intelligence reports which combine his three French works (Rennes-le-Château: Les Archives du Prieuré de Sion; Rennes-le-Château - Gisors; and Rennes-le-Château: Le Testament du Prieuré de Sion) on these intriguing modern myths, which have themselves been derived from ancient knowledge and truths.

The nature of the treasure of Rennes-le-Château is discussed, from claims of buried treasure sacked by the Goths from Rome and containing the artefacts of the Temple of Jerusalem, to gold made by the alchemist Nicholas Flamel, to drops of the blood of Christ saved by Joseph of Arimathea and Mary Magdalene. The author reveals the truth behind the bloodline of the Merovingian Kings, and the treasure allegedly found by Father Bérenger Saunière at the turn of the twentieth-century, and spent on the Magdala Tower with its statue of Asmodeus. He shows how history has been re-interpreted through clever manipulation by a few individuals, exploring the origins of the Order of Sion and its connection to John the Baptist, as well as the schism with the Knights Templar.

This book is the definitive work on Rennes-le-Château and the Priory of Sion by the only man who has had access to all the major players, places and papers. It contains copies of key documents such as Stone and Paper (Pierre et Papier), and vital information gleaned from his contact with the propagators of the Priory of Sion - Pierre Plantard, Phillipe de Cherisey and Gérard de Sède.

2010, 344 pages. Paperback & Kindle editions available.
ISBN 978-1-905297-41-2
B&W 6.14 x 9.21 in or 234 x 156 mm (Royal 8vo) Perfect Bound on White w/Gloss Lam

The Priory of Sion by Jean-Luc Chaumeil

  • Author’s Biography
    From the Gold of  Rennes-Le-Château to the Descendants of Merovaeus
    The Treasure Hunt
    The Razès, A Land Of Encounters
    Manna From Multiple Sources
    The Treasure Exists
    We Have Seen It, Says Jean-Luc Chaumeil
    In Search of Reda
    The Archives of The Priory of Sion and the Genealogy of the Merovingians
    Genealogy of The Merovingians
    In The Shadow Of Reda: An Amazing Tale
    Godefroy De Bouillon  And The Order Of Sion
    The Shepherds Of Arcadia
    In Search Of The Lost King
    Discussion With Pierre Plantard In January 1971
    Articles Of Association Of The “Priory Of Sion”
    Operation Delta-Reda
    The Golden Triangle: Twenty Years Later
    Epiphany In Gisors
    Open Discussions with Pierre Plantard and Philippe de Cherisey
    Stone And Paper
    The Red Circle: or Covert Aspects of The Priory of Sion Legacy
    Magical Conclusions
    About Theurgy
    Unknown Philosopher or Philosopher of the Unknown
    Operations of Pagan Nature.
    Operations of Reconciliation and Reintegration.
    Modern Theurgists
    The Mask And The Cloak
    The Green Ray And Blue Apples
    Line of the Paris Meridian 0
    Sionus Prioratus
    “In Hoc Signo Vinces”
    Open Discussions With The Professionals
    The Imposture Of The Priory Of Sion Related By Jean-Luc Chaumeil
    Appendix I: Close Examination Of Father Saunière’s Alleged “Parchments”
    Appendix II: Pierre et Papier by Philippe De Cherisey
    Appendix III: From The Cross to the Treasure of the Great Roman
    Appendix IV: Alchemist Monks at the Abbey of Boulbonne (1339)
    Appendix V: Et In Arcadia Ego - Ode To Saint Spérie
    Appendix VI: Les Ailes De La Jouannes
    List of Figures