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A Collection of Magickal and Mythological Perspectives on Death, Dying, Mortality & Beyond
Edited by Kim Huggens

MEMENTO MORI is a unique feast of offerings exploring a variety of magical and mythological perspectives on death, dying, mortality and beyond. With contributions from sixteen international writers, this collection, gathered together by Kim Huggens, offers a great diversity of both historical and contemporary perspectives. It includes experiential accounts and scholarly research for readers interested in magick, paganism, mysticism and mythology. The influence that the dead and ancestors have on religion, magic and everyday life is reflected and honoured in prayers, poems, songs and art and is explored in the essays in this unique book.


2012, 278 pages. Paperback & Kindle editions available.
ISBN 978-1-905297-14-6
B&W 6.69 x 9.61 in or 244 x 170 mm (Pinched Crown) Perfect Bound on White w/Gloss Lam

Memento Mori edited by Kim Huggens

  • Communicating with the Blessed Dead by Tina Georgitsis
    Eating with the Dead: Funeral Meal Practices by Tylluan Penry
    Cultivating the Dead: the Path of Lilies and Water by Chad Barber
    Don’t Fear the Reaper: the Evolution of the Death card in Tarot by Emily Carding
    Behind the Glasses of Ghuedhe: Life in Death and Love in Both by Kyle Fite
    The Death of Baphomet by Julian Vayne
    Papa Gede, Petit Gede: Spirits of Death in Haitian Vodou by Sophia Fisher
    The Truth about Zombies, or How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse by Kim Huggens
    Traditional Craft and the Cult of the Dead by Michael Howard
    The Setian Way of Death by Mogg Morgan
    Demeter’s Wrath: How the Eleusinian Mysteries Attempted to Cheat Death by Caroline Tully
    Dogs and Death – Guardians, Omens and Psychopomps by Ivy Kerrigan
    Tomb-Cults, Caves, Stars and Blessed Isles: Heroic Interactions with the Otherworld and Life after Death by Karen F. Pierce
    ‘Now I am Harvested and I Die’: the Theatre of Sacrifice in The Book of the Provider by Peg Aloi
    Ascending to the Imperishable: Star Lore and Death in Ancient Egypt by Dave Moore
    Ars Moriendi by Humberto Maggi

  • Kim Huggens is a researcher and author, focusing on the malefic-erotic magic of the Late Antique period, world mythology, Tarot, and Vodou. Kim is the editor of three anthologies published by Avalonia, being From a Drop of Water, Vs. and Memento Mori. She is a Tarot reader of 17 years experience, and co-creator of Sol Invictus: The God Tarot and Pistis Sophia: The Goddess Tarot with Nic Phillips. She is the author of the Llewellyn book, Tarot 101: Mastering the Art of Reading the Cards (June 2010) and also writes articles and papers for various anthologies and journals.

    Kim is a Vodou practitioner and Hounsi Lave Tet with Sosyete Gade Nou Leve, and Body Master of the Tamion Camp of the Ordo Templi Orientis.

    In her spare time she makes jewellery, sequin flags and spirit dolls, runs Tarot workshops and classes, writes short fiction, and roleplays.