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By Gary St. M. Nottingham

A seven-volume set of magical treatises, presented in this Collected Works, unabridged, consisting of
Vol. I - Liber Noctis (A Handbook of the Sorcerous Arte) Liber Noctis explores the attitudes, training and preparation required for success in ritual, and, as the title suggests, does not shy away from the 'darker' aspects of magic. Practical, experiential, lucid and non-judgmental, this book lays the groundwork for the successful study and practice of sorcery in the modern world.

Vol. II - Ars Salomonis (Being of that Hidden Arte of Solomon the King) Ars Salomonis is a practical manual for working with the talismanic figures found in the Key of Solomon, the most significant of all grimoires. Including two methods for empowering and activating the planetary pentacles, the author makes this vital work safely accessible to beginners. It is an ideal entranceway into the grimoire tradition.

Vol. III - Ars Geomantica (Being an account and rendition of the Arte of Geomantic Divination and Magic) Ars Geomantica explores the medieval system of Geomancy, one of the simplest and most practical of the divinatory arts. The inclusion of detailed instructions on the creation of geomantic staves, elemental fluid condensers, and talismanic construction and consecration make this work a superb introduction to the extensive assortment of magical and divinatory principles.

Vol. IV - Ars Theurgia Goetia (Being an account and rendition of the arte and praxis of the conjuration of some of the spirits of Solomon) Ars Theurgia Goetia presents a precise and practical guide to working with the spirits of this neglected text from the Solomonic grimoire cycle, the Theurgia-Goetia, giving the full seals of the spirits for the first time. The complete ritual sequence of preparation, conjuration, and license to depart is lucidly demonstrated, making this work suitable for both the beginner and the experienced practitioner.

Vol. V - Otz Chim (The Tree of Life) Otz Chim is a practical exploration of the magic of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, the glyph that concentrates the essence of magic and mysticism within the Western Mystery Tradition. This book focuses on lesser-known aspects such as the angels associated with the paths, their seals, and invocations and includes the previously unavailable Massa Aborum Vitae.

Vol. VI - Ars Speculum (Being an instruction on the arte of using mirrors and shewstones in magic) Ars Speculum is a concise and practical work on the use of mirrors and shewstones in magic. In it the author explores skrying and working with the four elements of air, fire, water and earth - both with elemental condensers and different elemental creatures. Other techniques include contacting other levels of being, the conjuration of spirits, binding and ligature, and healing and protection.

Vol. VII - Liber Terriblis (Being an instruction on the seventy-two spirits of the Goetia) Liber Terribilis is a practical study of how to work with the seventy-two spirits of the infamous seventeenth-century Grimoire, the Goetia. It also explores the vital and often neglected use of the seventy-two binding angels of the Great Name of God, the Schemhamphorasch.

This volume will be of value to all levels of students and practitioners of the grimoire traditions, being based upon the work of a small group of occultists who have explored it in practice.

2015, 848 pages, Hardback with dust jacket. Each volume also available separately in paperback and Kindle formats.
ISBN 978-1-905297-85-6
B&W 6.14 x 9.21in or 234 x 156mm (Royal 8vo) Blue Digital Cloth™ Cover w/Jacket on Creme w/Gloss Lam

Foundations of Practical Sorcery - Collected Works by Gary St. M. Nottingham

  • Vol. I - Liber Noctis
    Vol. II - Ars Salomonis
    Vol. III - Ars Geomantica
    Vol. IV - Ars Theurgia Goetia
    Vol. V - Otz Chim
    Vol. VI - Ars Speculum
    Vol. VII - Liber Terriblis

  • Gary St. M. Nottingham’s commitment to the study and practice of the alchemical arte, ritual magic, grimoires and spirit conjuration means that he can often be found peering at bubbling flasks or a shewstone – or otherwise engaged in deepening his knowledge and understanding of such matters.  His practices also draw on the work of the 17th-century astrologer William Lilly and the arte of horary astrology.

    He organised the legendary Ludlow Esoteric Conference (2004-2008), helped produce Verdelet occult magazine, has taught many free day workshops on basic occult skills and is a popular speaker at esoteric conferences.

    The seven volumes of Foundations of Practical Sorcery are an unabridged collection of Gary’s much sought-after previously published work, updated and made available to a wider readership at last.  Ars Alchemica and Ars Angelorum may be seen as companion volumes to this central work.  

    Gary was raised in south Shropshire, where, during his mid-teens, he became involved with a small Coven, thereby gaining an excellent grounding in a wide selection of magical practices.   Following the conjuration of a spirit, and asking it for help that manifested when least expected, he subsequently became involved with a group of practising alchemists. 

    He has a background in horticulture, enjoys spending time in the garden and playing chess.