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A Practical Guide to the Symbolism and Practices of Modern Wiccan Ritual
By David Rankine & Sorita d'Este

Wicca is an initiatory magickal tradition incorporating both Pagan spiritual philosophies and witchcraft practices, with ceremonial magick. In doing so, it combines magick, mysticism and spirituality into an experiential, practice-based tradition which works with the divine as both masculine and feminine, emphasising growth through balance and discipline. It provides a spiritual way of life, constantly growing and evolving, placing the responsibility for spiritual growth and fulfillment firmly back into the hands of the individual.

This book explores the core practices of the Wiccan Tradition, providing insights on the symbolism and the ceremonies.

2008, 168 pages. Paperback & Kindle editions available.
ISBN 978-1-905297-16-0
B&W 5.5 x 8.5 in or 216 x 140 mm (Demy 8vo) Perfect Bound on Creme w/Gloss Lam

Circle of Fire by David Rankine & Sorita d'Este

  • The divine feminine & masculine, Goddess & God
    Wiccan ritual structure
    The ritual tools
    Planning your ritual
    Preparing your temple space
    The magick circle
    The Guardians of the Watchtowers
    Ritual content (including spells, divination & invocation)
    Cakes and wine
    Ritual refinements (including the use of visualisation and voice)
    Purification and psychic protection
    Ritual timing (including lunar, planetary, solar and elemental)
    Elemental and other magickal gestures
    Elemental pentagrams and landscapes

  • Sorita d’Este has been experimenting with ways of walking on the liminal since she was a child, exploring along the way many pathways of experiencing magic, mysticism and religion.  Her own personal practice integrates aspects of Hellenic (Greek), Egyptian and Hermetic practices with a lived Orphic inspired philosophy, and experience gained in Initiatory Craft, traditions preserved in Italian, French and British grimoires and other contemporary esoteric teachings of the East and West.

    More on her website at

    David is an author, researcher and qabalist based in Glastonbury, UK.  He is the author or co-author of numerous books published by Avalonia, including The Complete Grimoire of Pope Honorius, The Grimoire of Arthur Gauntlet, A Collection of Magical Secrets, The Book of Treasure Spirits, The Book of Gold, Climbing the Tree of Life, The Cosmic Shekinah, Practical Qabalah Magick, The Isles of the Many Gods, and The Guises of the Morrigan.