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Ancient Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata
Edited by Payam Nabarz

The Indo-Iranian Anahita is an ancient Persian Goddess, who became a Zoroastrian Yazata (or Angel) and is still part of contemporary Zoroastrianism. Described as a beautiful maiden, strong, tall and pure, she is depicted as wearing a mantle embroidered with gold and holding the baresma (sacred plant) in her hand. She is the Goddess of all the waters upon the earth, her full title being Aredvi Sura Anahita which means moist, mighty and immaculate (pure), and she travels on her chariot pulled by four horses: Wind, Rain, Cloud and Sleet. Closely associated with the King's investiture, she is a Goddess of Sovereignty, thought by some to be the Persian Aphrodite, who also has some remarkable similarities to numerous other ancient goddesses, including Ishtar, Venus, Nana and Isis.

Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata is a collection of papers, art and poetry celebrating this fascinating Goddess from more than 25 esteemed international academics, Zoroastrians, artists and writers. Each share their research and insights leading the reader on a journey of discovery - from the Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions featuring Anahita and Mithra, to the possible relationships between Anahita and the Dame du Lac of Arthurian Legend, representations of her in Sassanian art, William Morris Hunt through to Anahita as the pre-Christian Virgin Mother of Mithra, as well as her role in purification and purity. Studies of the Sassanian rock reliefs, hot mineral springs, and her water ritual in Mahāyāna Buddhism, in addition to an examination of the Sassanid stucco discovered in the Barz-e-qawela in Lorestan province of Iran and women in ancient Elam, are all brought together illustrating the significance of Anahita throughout Persian and Middle Eastern history.

This book is the most extensive study of the figure of Anahita in recent years, and includes new and never published before research.

Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata is essential reading not only for those interested just in this Goddess and her history, but all interested in Persian and Middle Eastern history.

Contributors include: Dr. Israel Campos Méndez, Dr. Kaveh Farrokh, Dr. Matteo Compareti, Sheda Vasseghi, D.M. Murdock, Dr. Sam Kerr, Rahele Koulabadi, Dr. Seyyed Rasool Mousavi Haji, Morteza Ataie, Seyed Mehdi Mousavi Kouhpar, Seyyed Sadrudin Mosavi Jashni, Farhang Khademi Nadooshan, Hassan Nia, Masoud Sabzali, Dr. Masato Tojo, Behzad Mahmoudi, Amir Mansouri, Dr Kamyar Abdi, Dr Gholamreza Karamian, Maryam Zour, Saman Farzin, Babak Aryanpour, Reza MehrAfarin, Akashanath, Shapour Suren-Pahlav, Ana C. Jones, Katherine Sutherland, and Dr. Payam Nabarz.

2013 , 276 pages. Paperback & Kindle editions available.
ISBN 978-1-905297-30-6
B&W 6.69 x 9.61 in or 244 x 170 mm (Pinched Crown) Perfect Bound on White w/Gloss Lam

Anahita edited by Payam Nabarz

  • Hymn to Anahita (Aban Nyayis)
    Contributors Biographies
    Introduction to Anahita the Lady of Persia by Payam Nabarz
    Anahita and Mithra in the Achaemenid Royal Inscriptions by Dr. Israel Campos Méndez
    Exploring the Possibility of Relationships between the Iranian Goddess Anahita and the Dame du Lac of the Arthurian Legends by Kaveh Farrokh (PhD)
    The Representation of Anāhitā in Sassanian Art: The Case of Taq-i Bustan Rock Reliefs and Figurative Capitals by Dr. Matteo Compareti
    Anahita and William Morris Hunt by Sheda Vasseghi
    Was the Persian Goddess Anahita the Pre-Christian Virgin Mother of Mithra? by D.M. Murdock
    Anāhītam Purity by Sam Kerr
    Sassanian Rock Reliefs Attributed to Anahita by Rahele Koulabadi, Dr. Seyed Rasool Mousavi Haji, Morteza Ataie
    A New Look at the Sassanian Silver Ewer with Mythical Depictions by Rahele Koulabadi, Seyed Mehdi Mousavi Kouhpar, Morteza Ataie
    Politics of hot and mineral springs and Anahita: A short study in Parthian and Sassanian period by Seyed Sadrudin Mosavi Jashni, Farhang Khademi Nadooshan, Hassan Nia, Masoud Sabzali
    Anāhitā’s Water Ritual In Mahāyāna Buddhism by Dr. Masato Tōjō
    Sassanid stucco discovered in the Barz-e-qawela in Lorestan province of Iran by Behzad Mahmoudi, Amir Mansouri, Dr Kamyar Abdi, Dr Gholamreza Karamian, Farhang Khademi Nadooshan
    Women in ancient Elam (according to archaeological & historical evidence) by Maryam Zour, Saman Farzin, Babak Aryanpour
    Terrbal: Water or Fire Temple by Reza MehrAfarin
    Anahita by Akashnath
    Iranian Warrior Women by Shapour Suren-Pahlav
    Anahita by Ana C Jones
    An Image of Great Goddess Anahita and its Artistic Notes by Dr. Tōjō Masato
    Photos of the temple of Anahita at Bishapour by Rahele Koulabadi
    Great Lady Anahita by Katherine Sutherland

  • Persian-born Payam Nabarz is a Sufi and a Dervish. He is a Druid in the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, and a co-founder of its Nemeton of the Stars Grove. Magi Nabarz is a revivalist of the Temple of Mithras, a Hierophant in the Fellowship of Isis, a Past Master in the Craft (Freemasonry) and a Companion in the Royal Arch.  He has also worked with the Golden Dawn system, Thelema, Nath Tantra, and Wicca. He was the founder of Spirit of Peace, a charitable organisation dedicated to personal inner peace and world peace via interfaith dialogue between different spiritual paths. His other interests include cycling and learning Yoga and Tai Chi.

    He is author of The Mysteries of Mithras: The Pagan Belief That Shaped the Christian World (Inner Traditions, 2005), The Persian Mar Nameh: The Zoroastrian Book of the Snake Omens & Calendar (Twin Serpents, 2006), and Divine Comedy of Neophyte Corax and Goddess Morrigan (Web of Wyrd Press, 2008). He is also the editor of Mithras Reader: An academic and religious journal of Greek, Roman, and Persian Studies. Volume 1 (2006), Volume 2 (2008), and Volume 3 (2010); and Seething Cauldron: Essays on Zoroastrianism, Sufism, Freemasonry, Wicca, Druidry, and Thelema (Web of Wyrd Press, 2010).

    He has three books published with Avalonia:

    Anahita: Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata (Avalonia, 2013),

    Stellar Magic: A Practical Guide to Rites of the Moon, Planets, Stars and Constellations (Avalonia, 2009) and

    The Square and the Circle: the Influences of Freemasonry on Wicca and Paganism (Avalonia, 2016).