Inclusive Wicca
By Yvonne Aburrow
“All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals” Doreen Valiente, The Charge of the Goddess
All Acts of Love and Pleasure is a companion guide to inclusive Wicca, which includes all participants regardless of sexual orientation, disability, age, or other differences, not by erasing or ignoring the distinctions, but by working with them creatively within initiatory Craft. Tracing the development of Pagan and Wiccan ideas about gender and sexuality, authority and tradition, we can see that the Craft has evolved since the 1950s, and will continue to develop in the future.
The author examines different ideas in relation to initiatory Wicca, such as eco-spirituality, science, truth, the sacred, sexuality, consent culture, tradition, and magic, and how these concepts can be explored as part of a liberal religious tradition and training as a priestess or priest in Wicca. Each chapter offers further reading, a meditation or visualisation, and practical ideas for rituals and discussions. By examining the origins and relevance of Wiccan concepts, the reader is challenged to explore their own views and how they express their own spirituality.
Although the aim of this book is to act as a guide to existing initiatory covens who want to make their practice more inclusive, its scope is much broader as it deals with wide-ranging issues including group dynamics, coven leadership, ritual, ethics, and Wiccan theology and practice. It is sure to appeal to Pagans, Magicians, Druids and Witches, of all persuasions and views.
2014, 276 pages. Paperback & Kindle editions available.
ISBN 978-1-905297-73-3
B&W 6.69 x 9.61 in or 244 x 170 mm (Pinched Crown) Perfect Bound on White w/Gloss Lam
All Acts of Love & Pleasure by Yvonne Aburrow
What is the sacred?
The Wiccan circle
Gender and sexuality
Spirituality and sexuality
Progressive Wicca
Inclusive Wicca
Queer Paganism
Deities and spirits
The nature of truth
Wicca and science
What is magic?
The hidden children of the Goddess
Secrecy and confidentiality
Mythology for Wiccans
Wiccan rituals
The shamanic ordeal in Wicca
Eco-spirituality and embodiment
Running a coven
Wiccan values
Witchcraft and Activism
Introduction to Wicca course
Progressive Wicca, talk given in 1988 by Tam Campbell
Bibliography & further readingYvonne Aburrow is a Gardnerian Wiccan author and poet who lives in Oxford in a small cottage with her partner Bob and two cats, Morrissey and Ziggy. She has a MA in Contemporary Religions and Spiritualities from Bath Spa University.
She published All Acts of Love and Pleasure: Inclusive Wicca with Avalonia in 2015. Two companion volumes are Dark Mirror: the inner work of witchcraft, and The Night Journey: Witchcraft as Transformation, both published by the Doreen Valiente Foundation in association with the Centre for Pagan Studies, 2021.
Previous works by Yvonne:
The Endless Knot, poetry collection, Birdberry Books, 2012
Many Names, poetry collection, Birdberry Books, 2012
The Magical Lore of Animals, Capall Bann Publishing, 2000.
A little book of Serpents, Birdberry Books, 2012.
Auguries and Omens: the magical lore of birds, Capall Bann Publishing, 1994.
The Sacred Grove: mysteries of the forest, Capall Bann Publishing, 1994.
The Enchanted Forest: the magical lore of trees, Capall Bann Publishing, 1993.